It all started when…

I hit a brick wall. I had been in a leadership position at my job for a few years and had no real sense of balance or self-care or soul-care. Then, like a ton of bricks, I went through some trauma that almost knocked the wind out of me. I thought I could work through the trauma by working harder and paying attention to myself less. Until, I realized that it wasn't working. 

I couldn't ignore my needs any longer. I began to find ways to take care of myself and my own physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. It all started with slowing down my pace and spending times of quiet to listen to myself. As God started to teach myself how to take care of myself, I noticed that it changed the condition of my whole soul. Everyone that I loved and led are impacted by my own soul-care. So, taking care of myself first was more selfless than I thought. 

After over 10 years of ministry leadership and a dozen or so personal retreats, I better understand the need for a healthy soul. The soul must be attended to or it ends up empty and in desperate need of a break.

Today, I'm still on my journey to creating a more loving and healthy environment for myself. And, my assumption is that if you're on this site, you are too! Get to a quiet place to read a blog, listen to a podcast, and attend a retreat. 

-Brie Davis