B. STLL Retreat Types


  • Women in Leadership Soul-Care Retreat

  • Discernment + Decision-Making Soul-Care Retreat (online)


  • Ministry Leadership Soul-Care Retreat (coming soon)

  • RecovHER Women’s Retreat (coming soon) | In partnership with RecovHER Ministries

  • Healing Couples Soul-Care Retreat (coming soon)

  • Pastoral Sabbatical Support (coming soon)


B.STLL hosts a 4 day, 3 night retreat for women in leadership that need a “break from busy.” The two focuses for the weekend are “Soul-Searching” and “Soul-Strengthening.” You’ll spend your time in prayer, stillness, group activities, and personal soul-care time.

Day One- Thursday // MEET + GREET

A time for participants to meet and greet. A time to get to know one another and share expectations for the weekend retreat.

Day Two- Friday // SOUL-SEARCHING

A day focused on how we have ended up where we are and answering the following questions:

  • Why am I “tired”?

  • Where did I learn my mode of being?

  • How do I define God?

  • What am I afraid of?

Day Three- Saturday // SOUL-STRENGTHENING

A day focused on how we practically move forward from where we are and answering the following questions:

  • What are my values?

  • How do I live out of my values?

  • What boundaries do I need to set?

  • What do I delegate to others?

  • What should my daily rhythms and schedule look like?

Day Four- Sunday // ACCOUNTABILITY

A half-day focused on how we allow accountability into our lives to help us keep up with our new commitments.

The retreat is an intimate setting in Tulsa, OK with less than 10 women. Program cost for tuition, room, and board. Program cost does not include travel. You invest in so many other people, this is an opportunity for you to invest in yourself.



For individuals and teams that desire to make decisions that are aligned with the will of God. Spend a few days away from your everyday life to be with God, while waiting on direction and discernment. The four focuses will be:

  • Confession: Letting Go of Your Will in Your Discernment

  • Counsel: Including Others in Your Discernment

  • Consolation: Finding Holy Spirit Comfort in Your Discernment

  • Character: Forming into the Image of Christ in Your Discernment

You’ll spend your time in prayer, stillness, group activities, and personal soul-care and self-evaluation time.

The retreat is online 3 days, 2 nights— usually Thursday-Saturday. Program fees cover all retreat materials, teaching sessions, and a caring team to guide you along the way. Choose a retreat location of your desire and join into the teaching and small group sessions online via Zoom.


B. STLL hosts a 12-month quarterly retreat on for those in church + non-profit ministry leadership that have a desire to stay focused on their souls while in leadership. The four areas covered in the four retreats are:

  • Safety in Leadership

  • Success in Leadership

  • Sin in Leadership

  • Self in Leadership

You’ll spend your time in prayer, stillness, group activities, and personal soul-care time.

The retreat is an intimate setting in Tulsa, OK with up to 10 participants. Program cost for tuition, room, and board. Program cost does not include travel.


For women that desire emotional healing from pain. This is a 12-month quarterly retreat in Tulsa, OK while journeying with an online small group between retreats. The four areas covered in the four retreats are:

  • The Hurt: Acknowledging and Assessing Your Pain

  • The History: Sharing Your Story

  • The Healing: A Journey Map Towards Healing

  • The Hope: Believing for the Future

You’ll spend your time in prayer, stillness, group activities, and personal soul-care and self-evaluation time.

Each retreat is 3 days, 2 nights in an intimate setting in Tulsa, OK with less than 10 participants. Program cost for tuition, room, and board. Program cost does not include travel.


For pastors desiring individual support while one sabbatical. This is a personalized, week-long stay for pastors that support their decision to step away from leadership for a designated time. During this stay, the pastor will take time to discover and discern what the Lord has for him/her during sabbatical. Time will be spent in silence, with a licensed counselor, sessions on balancing rest and work, etc. There are options to include family within the week-long stay.

Similar to the Ministry Leadership Retreat, the following topics will be covered one-on-one, instead of a group setting:

  • Safety in Leadership

  • Success in Leadership

  • Sin in Leadership

  • Self in Leadership

Out of this time, pastors will have a formulated Rule of Life and Rhythms Plan that will help to inform and transform their leadership once they get back to ministry work.


  1. Where do we stay for your retreats? In-person B. STLL Retreats are hosted in a beautiful home nestled away in a quiet family neighborhood in Tulsa, OK. Online B. STLL Retreats are at a location of your choosing where you will participate in the retreat through Zoom.

  2. Will we have roommates? Yes, for most of the in-person B. STLL Retreats, each person will have a roommate in their rooms. Every two participants will share one bathroom equipped with a private shower, toilet, and sink. The Pastoral Sabbatical Support Retreats are individualized for one pastor (and possibly his/her family) at a time.

  3. What will we eat? All meals are provided throughout the in-person retreat experience. Food restrictions and allergies will be honored in food selection.

  4. Can I attend with a friend or family member? All participants must complete the full application process for acceptance into a retreat experience. We cannot guarantee that anyone will be able to attend with a friend or family member due to our application process.

  5. How many people attend B. STLL retreats at one time? There will be less than 10 participants at each in-person retreat. Online retreats will include around 50+ participants.

  6. What is included in the cost? The fees include the following while on an in-person retreat: a shared room and bathroom, all meals, drinks and snacks throughout the retreat, all retreat materials, teaching sessions, worship services, and a caring team to guide you along the way. For online retreats the fee includes all retreat materials, teaching sessions, and a caring team to guide you along the way.

  7. Who is teaching at the retreats? What is being taught? The main teacher is Brie Davis. She is an ordained pastor at Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK and has served as leadership in ministry for over 10 years. Brie has been helping to teach soul-care practices for several years and has a regular rhythm of personal soul-care that has transformed her life. In each session, she will teach soul-care principles and practices specifically tailored to the retreat focuses. You can find a general list of topics being taught at each retreat here.